
8 March 2022
11:00 - 12:30 CET and 14:00 - 15:30 CET
New (or alternative) feedstuffs in the time of increasing feed costs
Webinar organised with the working group EF2.
Chairs: Dr Sanna Steenfeldt (Danemark) & Dr Pierre-André Geraert (France)
Webinars will be open to registered participants only. Registration fees include online access to the webinars, to all e-posters, and attendance to the on-site event in 2022.
Chair : S. Steenfeldt (Aarhus University, Danemark), P-A. Geraert, (Adisseo, France)
11:00-11:03 CET
Michel DUCLOS, (INRA, France), Sanna STEENFELDT (Aarhus University, Danemark), Pierre-André GERAERT (Adisseo, France)
11:03-11:35 CET
Gonzalo MATEOS, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Current challenges in feed formulation and feeding programs for broilers. Is there any new proposal?
11:35-11:42 CET
Nan Dirk MULDER, Rabobank, The Netherlands
Economics of new feedstuffs – a summary
11:42- 11:54 CET
Frank IDAN, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA
Growth performance, intestinal morphometry, and blood serum parameters of broiler chickens fed diets containing increasing levels of wheat bran with or without exogenous multi-enzyme preparation
11:54-12:06 CET
Mvln RAJU, ICAR – Directorate of Poultry Research, India
Rice-based distillers dried grains with solubles: nutritional profile and feeding value for chicks and commercial laying chickens
12:06-12:25 CET
Franco CALINI, (Poultry Nutrition Advisor Ravenne, Italy), Gerard SANTOMA (Trouw Nutrition, Spain), Damian JOSEFIAK, (Up Poznan, Poland)
Round-table discussion
12:25-12:30 CET
Michel DUCLOS, (INRA, France), Sanna STEENFELDT (Aarhus University, Danemark), Pierre-André GERAERT (Adisseo, France)
End of session
14:00-14:03 CET
Michel DUCLOS, (INRA, France), Sanna STEENFELDT (Aarhus University, Danemark), Pierre-André GERAERT (Adisseo, France)
14:03-14:35 CET
Nan Dirk MULDER, The Netherlands
Economics of feedstuffs: Feed supply and input strategies in fast changing times
14:35-14:42 CET
Gonzalo MATEOS, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Nutritional value of new feedstuffs – a summary
14:42-14:54 CET
Mathieu GUILLEVIC, Valorex, France
Use of alternative proteins to soybeans in broilers: effect on growth performance and environment
14:54-15:06 CET
Abu HAFSA, Universities and Research Center District, Egypt
Marine algae feed supplement for growth performance, caecum characteristics and antioxidant status in growing Japanese quail
15:06-15:25 CET
Franco CALINI, (Poultry Nutrition Advisor Ravenne, Italy) & Gerard SANTOMA, (Trouw Nutrition, Spain) & Damian JOSEFIAK, (Up Poznan, Poland)
Round-table discussion
15:25-15:30 CET
Michel DUCLOS, INRA, France, Sanna STEENFELDT Aarhus University, Danemark, Pierre-André GERAERT Adisseo, France
Session end

Gonzalo MATEOS
Gonzalo G. Mateos holds a BS in Animal Production for the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, a PhD in Veterinary Science for the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, and a PhD in Animal Science (Poultry) and a post-doc position for Iowa State University. He has published 140 papers in SCI Journals and given more than 460 seminars, lectures, communications, and posters at International congresses in more than 40 countries. He was Editor in Chief of the Scientific Journal Animal Feed Science and Technology (2005-2013) and a member of the Editorial Board of Poultry Science and Animal Feed Science and Technology, in recent years.

Nan-Dirk Mulder joined Rabobank International’s Food & Agribusiness Advisory and Research department (FAR) in 2001. He is senior global animal protein specialist and has worked with many of the leading animal protein companies in the world. He is based in Rabobank’s headquarter in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Nan-Dirk graduated in agricultural economics, marketing and market research from the Netherlands’ Wageningen Agricultural University in 1996. Before his appointment at Rabobank International, Nan-Dirk worked for the Product Boards for Livestock, Meat and Eggs (PVE) and the Agricultural Economic Research Institute (LEI) in the Netherlands.
Since joining Rabobank International, Nan-Dirk advises the bank on global commitments in the animal protein industry. He has been also involved in the bank’s many advisory and research activities in the animal protein industry and has been specializing in strategic issues in these industries. Nan-Dirk has advised and participated in projects on all continents of the world and is a regular speaker at conferences and seminars.