Webinars replay

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All webinars are available on the platform.

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The WPC2022 starts in a few days.

To make the most of the event, get , discover your access and read the detailed program.

On-site participants will enjoy 4 full days of events, with plenary sessions on 7, 8 and 11 August and parallel sessions on 9 and 10 August. Discussions with authors of eposters, will be possible in front of dedicated screens during the coffee and lunch breaks from Monday to Wednesday, with appointments through the App.

Remote participants will benefit of an on-line program, running live from Monday 8 August 8:30 AM (CET) until Thursday 11 August 12:00 AM (CET), featuring the plenary sessions and selected parallel sessions. On-line attendees will be able to post their questions. All posters will be accessible on line.

All parallel sessions will also be recorded and become available as soon as 24 h later and until 31 December 2022, as replays accessible online to all registered participants.

The congress starts in


Dear friends and colleagues​

The French branch of WPSA has the great pleasure to invite you for the 26th WPC in Paris. After WPC2016 in Beijing, we are now preparing to welcome you all in Paris for WPC2022.

Agriculture in general, and livestock in particular, are facing major challenges in the near future. The poultry sector has major assets to meet the expectation of the world population, provided that it can anticipate changes needed for sustainable production systems. Our ambition is that WPC2022 brings a major contribution to these challenges for the benefit of the world population.

Our ambition is to prepare an affordable congress to attract a large number of participants from all over the world. We will give a special consideration to the Mediterranean and African Poultry Networks, by offering them the possibility of holding specific satellite symposiums and we plan to organise a symposium with FAO. As usual for a WPC, the program will include an exhibition for companies within the Congress Centre and we will offer a Youth program as well as a Young Scientist program. We will plan the scientific program to make it highly interactive and interdisciplinary. Finally, you can expect an attractive social program and excellent food.
0 days
of the latest science
0 sqm
of exhibition space
exhibitors represented
countries represented
phd students & young scientists

The World’s Poultry Congress 2022

Local sector

In European Union, France ranks first for egg production, and third for poultry meat production. It is hosting major companies, at all levels of the poultry production chain, selection, multiplication, feed and premix , egg and meat industries. Many of these companies are global players in the field. The French poultry sector exhibits 3 unique features which will be illustrated throughout the WPC, and more particularly for the youth program and technical excursions.

A diversity of species

Chicken, turkey, Pekin duck, Muscovy duck, guinea-fowl, goose, quail, pigeon, pheasant, red and grey partridge.

France is thus a poultry-friendly country, from the producing to the consuming viewpoints and  will remain so in the future.

A diversity of production systems

Conventional, free-range, organic, etc… A strong asset of the French poultry sector is the definition of quality signs which rely on a list of requirements the producer has to meet in order to certify both the production system and the quality of the final product. The main quality signs are: the ‘Label rouge’ (since 1967), the ‘Protected Origin’, such as the Bresse chicken (since 1957).

Gastronomy, health and poultry

Several poultry products contribute to the French gastronomy which is
acknowledged worldwide. Poulet de Bresse, foie gras, ‘omelette de la Mère Poulard‘ in the Mont St Michel … are among our stars. Besides tradition, poultry products are also open to technological innovations, regarding egg or meat products.
Nutrition for health is a strong driver for innovation, as shown for example by the omega-3 enriched eggs.

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