
Celebration of WPC centenary​


Celebrating the centennial anniversary of the first World’s Poultry Congress

The French branch is happy to organise the 26th World’s Poultry Congress. As you know, we had to postpone it from 2020 to 2021, which gave us the opportunity to celebrate the centenary of this Congress, organized for the first time in 1921. Therefore, we invite you to watch or re-watch this online celebration.

Thank you to the WPSA board for their contribution to making this Centenary Celebration Video: Dorien Velner, Roel Mulder, Francine Bradley, Peter Hunton, Ruveyde Akbay, Julie Roberts, Estella Prukner-Radovcic, Bernard Sauveur


15:30-15:40 Paris time (13:30-13:40 UTC)
Welcome address by Dr Michel DUCLOS, Secretary of the French branch of WPSA
Introductory speech by the WPSA President, Pr Ning YANG

15:40-16:30 Paris time (13:40-14:30 UTC)
Global challenges for the poultry sector

15:40-16:05 Paris time (13:40-14:05 UTC)
Control and prevention of avian influenza in a post-COVID-19 world – time to reconsider the role of vaccination
Dr Les SIMS, Asia Pacific Veterinary Information Services Pty Ltd, Australia

16:05-16h30 Paris time (14:05-14:30 UTC)
Sustainability in the global poultry sector and opportunities for agroecological transitions
Dr Anne MOTTET, Livestock Policy Officer, FAO, Rome

16:30-16:50 Paris time (14:30-14:50 UTC)
Awards ceremony presented by Dr Roel MULDER, General Secretary of the WPSA

Poultry Hall of Fame – Paul Siegel Award – WPSA Education Award

16:50-16:55 Paris time (14:50-14:55 UTC)
Centennial anniversary movie

16:55 Paris time (14:55 UTC)
Conclusions by Dr Michèle TIXIER-BOICHARD, chair of the 26th WPC and announcement of further events until August 2022.

If you have any question, please contact : +33  

Invited speakers

Control and prevention of avian influenza in a post-COVID-19 world - time to reconsider the role of vaccination


Dr Sims is a veterinarian (BVSc (Hons) Melb 1977, MANZCVSc (Diagnostic Pathology 1987), MRCVS). From 1978 until 2002 he worked in a range of government positions in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Hong Kong SAR initially in veterinary diagnostic laboratories (20 years). He was involved in diagnosis of and developing solutions for diseases in farm animals including support for two outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Australia. From 1997, he shifted emphasis to management of animal diseases and veterinary programmes. He was an Assistant Director of the Agriculture Conservation and Fisheries Department overseeing all veterinary activities (the equivalent of the Chief Veterinary Officer in Hong Kong SAR). During his time in Hong Kong SAR, he led the team developing control and preventive measures for avian influenza, including the initial H5N1 zoonotic outbreak in 1997, and subsequent decisions on disease prevention. This included the decision to add vaccination to the suite of preventive measures. Since 2003, Dr Sims has managed his own veterinary consulting companies: Asia Pacific Veterinary Information Services Pty Ltd (established in 2003) and ANDI Ltd (established in 2009). He has also undertaken work as an individual consultant for a range of international organisations, companies, and the University of Melbourne. For the past 16 years, Dr Sims has been providing advice and services to FAO, and through FAO, to a range of other countries in Asia on avian influenza control/prevention. He has advised Agricultural Ministries and Departments in the People’s Republic of China, Indonesia, Thailand, Mongolia, Myanmar, Cambodia and Viet Nam on avian influenza control and prevention, including appropriate control interventions and the use of vaccines. Through his work on avian influenza control and prevention Dr Sims has not only developed insights into the measures used for control and prevention of HPAI in Asia but has also shaped the direction of these programs through provision of unbiased, practical, scientific advice and information to key decision makers. He is prepared to question long-standing but outdated control practices.

Sustainability in the global poultry sector and opportunities for agroecological transitions


Dr. Anne Mottet is a livestock development officer with the FAO of the UN. For some time she has supported policy makers and stakeholders for the transition to sustainable food systems. She has developed tools and assessment measures on global topics related to livestock systems, natural resources, climate change and agroecology. She is a published author, an elected member of the FACCE-JPI, and an invited reviewer of IPCC reports and guidelines. Dr. Mottet is currently coordinating a program of work providing technical support and guidance to countries and International Funding Institutions (e.g. World Bank and IFAD) on low carbon livestock development, using an on-line GHG calculator called GLEAM-i. She is the co-leader in developing TAPE, the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation.