15:30-15:40 Paris time (13:30-13:40 UTC)
Welcome address by Dr Michel DUCLOS, Secretary of the French branch of WPSA
Introductory speech by the WPSA President, Pr Ning YANG
15:40-16:30 Paris time (13:40-14:30 UTC)
Global challenges for the poultry sector
15:40-16:05 Paris time (13:40-14:05 UTC)
Control and prevention of avian influenza in a post-COVID-19 world – time to reconsider the role of vaccination
Dr Les SIMS, Asia Pacific Veterinary Information Services Pty Ltd, Australia
16:05-16h30 Paris time (14:05-14:30 UTC)
Sustainability in the global poultry sector and opportunities for agroecological transitions
Dr Anne MOTTET, Livestock Policy Officer, FAO, Rome
16:30-16:50 Paris time (14:30-14:50 UTC)
Awards ceremony presented by Dr Roel MULDER, General Secretary of the WPSA
Poultry Hall of Fame – Paul Siegel Award – WPSA Education Award
16:50-16:55 Paris time (14:50-14:55 UTC)
Centennial anniversary movie
16:55 Paris time (14:55 UTC)
Conclusions by Dr Michèle TIXIER-BOICHARD, chair of the 26th WPC and announcement of further events until August 2022.