
Members of the scientific committee

Michel Duclos

Chairman of the scientific committee, INRAE, France

Working Groups

Name Employer Country Working group


Alamprese Cristina University of Milan IT EF4 Egg quality
Boerjan Marleen Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies NL EF6 Reproduction
Daghir Nuhad American University of Beirut LB MPN

Mediterranean network

Engelbrecht Anel Western Cape Department of Agriculture ZA AP3 Ratites
Gibbins Alan Small Scale Family Poultry Farming NZ AP1 SSFPF
Hafez Hafez Freie Universität Berlin DE EF10 Pathology
Michel Virginie ANSES FR EF9 Welfare
Petracci Massimiliano University of Bologna IT EF5 Meat Quality
Prasetyo Hardi Research Institute for Animal Production ID AP2 Waterfowl
Sossidou Eva NAGREF GR EF11 Education
Steenfeldt Sanna Aarhus University DK EF2 Nutrition
Swatson Harry Cedara College of Agriculture ZA APN

African network

Tzschentke Barbara Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE EF12 Physiology
Van Horne Peter Wageningen University & Research NL EF1 Economy
Weigend Steffen Friedrich Loeffler Institute DE EF3 Genetics

Scientific experts





Aggrey Sammy Univ of Georgia USA Genetics
Bain Maureen University of Glasgow UK Egg quality
Bernardeau Marion Dupont FR Microbiology
Berri Cécile INRAE FR Physiology
Bessei Werner Univ of Hohenheim GER Welfare
Blesbois Elisabeth INRAE FR Physiology
Boichard Michèle INRAE FR Genetics
Bourdillon Anne Mixscience FR Nutrition
Bouvarel Isabelle ITAVI FR Nutrition
Brufau Joaquim IRTA ES Nutrition
Choct Mingan PoultryCRC AU Nutrition
Demeure Olivier Grimaud FR Genetics
Eteradossi Nicolas ANSES FR Pathology
Fernandez Xavier INRAE FR Physiology
Geraert Pierre-André Adisseo FR Nutrition
Guémené Daniel SYSAAF FR Genetics
Guèye E. Fallou FAO SEN Systems
Lagarrigue Sandrine Agrocampus Ouest FR Genetics
Lamont Susan Iowa State University USA Genetics
Lescoat Philippe AgroParisTech FR Breeding schemes
Nys Yves INRAE FR Physiology
Porter Tom Univ of Maryland USA Physiology
Rémignon Hervé INP ENSAT FR Physiology
Roberts Julie Univ of New England AUS Physiology

Rodehutscord Markus

Univ of Hohenheim GER Nutrition
Svihus Birger Norwegian University of Life Sciences NO Nutrition
Uni Zehava The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IS Physiology
Zhang Xiquan South China Agricultural University CN Genetics