
Specialized Sessions

The 28 specialized sessions will host specialists addressing topics relevant to the WPSA working groups. These will take place on Tuesday, 9 August 2022 and Wednesday, 10 August 2022 in the afternoon.
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Session_titre Titre_intervention Speaker
Construction of egg quality Recent advances on the involvement of extracellular vesicles during avian eggshell formation Joël GAUTRON (FR)
Education Poultry science education: Issues and perspectives Servet YALCIN (TR)
Genetics : new traits Genetics of new measurements: examples of implementing precision livestock farming tools in poultry breeding Teun VAN DE BRAAK (NL)
Ingestion and digestion Fibres: challenges and opportunities for the poultry industry Amy MOSS (AU)
Construction of meat quality Multidisciplinary approaches for reducing impacts of broiler meat quality defects Massimiliano PETRACCI (IT)
Meat quality - slaughter and processing Trends and perspectives for poultry processed products Shai BARBUT (CA)
Metabolism Multi- and transgenerational effects of feeding strategies in poultry Johan BUYSE (BE)
Mineral nutrition Towards digestible calcium requirements and a digestible calcium system Roselina ANGEL (US)
Molecular genetics Towards sequencing the genomes for all extant bird species, the progress of B10K project Guojie ZHANG (DK)
Feedstuffs_01 Use of algae in poultry nutrition Edouard COUDERT (FR)
Physiology of nutrition Influence of digestive kinetics on broiler performance Alfons JANSMAN (NL)
Physiology_01 Neural and endocrine mechanisms that underpin feeding behaviour and metabolism Ian DUNN (UK)
Physiology_02 Early-life environment and long-term programming Tom PORTER (US)
Protein nutrition Impact of Insect-Based Diets on Digestibility, Performance and Product Quality Marta GARIGLIO (IT)
Quality of egg products Promotion of local hen breeds: the quality of eggs Cristina ALAMPRESE (IT)
Ratites Recent advances in the breeding of farmed ostriches Schalk CLOETE (ZA)
Reproductive physiology Regulation mechanisms of sperm acrosome reaction in Chickens: the role of membrane rafts Atushi ASANO (JN)
Reproductive biotechnologies - Mike MCGREW (SC)
Small Scale Family Poultry Farrming Making family poultry value chain more mature and sustainable at a small scale Fallou GUEYE (DJ)
Turkeys Turkey Production and Health: Current challenges Mohamed HAFEZ (DE)
Waterfowls Recent Advances in Duck Nutrition Layi ADEOLA (US)
Welfare of layers Recent progress on feather pecking behavior and perspectives to avoid beak trimming Bas RODENBURG (NL)


Professor Layi Adeola received undergraduate degree in Animal Science with first class honors from the University of Ife, Nigeria; M.S. and Ph.D. degrees with distinction from the University of Guelph, Canada. He is currently a professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at Purdue University, and has authored or co-authored more that 260 refereed papers and more than 250 other publications. Professor Adeola has developed an internationally-recognized research program in energy and nutrient utilization of non-ruminant animals. His research has led the way for cost-effective diet formulation strategies for non-ruminant animals that improve the retention of energy, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Professor Adeola served on the National Academy of Sciences Committee that wrote the 11th Revised Edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Swine (NRC, 2012). He served as section editor for Journal of Animal Science, Animal Nutrition, Canadian Journal of Animal Sciences; and on the editorial board of Poultry Science. Professor Adeola received the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) Poultry Nutrition Research award in 2005; the Maple Leaf Duck Research Award in 2007; the AFIA Non-ruminant Nutrition Research Award in 2007; the Evonik Poultry Research Award in 2010 and the National Broiler Chicken Council Research Award in 2012.


Dr Edouard Coudert received his PhD in poultry metabolism from Tours Uni.
He has been working on glucose transport in broiler skeletal muscle and focusing on GLUT12 pathways. After a 2 years postdoctoral contract in Tours university where he teaches to MSc students, he worked as project manager for SAGA project in INRAe Centre Val de Loire. SAGA project goal was to investigate algal extracts impact on growth performances, intestinal health, products quality and animal welfare on broiler chickens.
He is now project manager for monogastrics nutrition in Monial Innovation Center for Roullier Group. Main subjects of interest are: mineral solubilization and absorption, intestinal health, muscle quality and cell culture.


PhD in Food Biotechnology. Associate Professor in Food Science and Technology at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences of the University of Milan (Italy). Chairperson of the Working Group 4 (Egg Quality) of WPSA. As for the field of eggs and egg products, reasearch activities are focused on the quality of fresh eggs, technological treatment of egg products, technological properties (gelling, whipping, and emulsifying capacity, rheological behavior) of egg eggs and egg products, and influence of egg ingredients on food product quality. The evaluation of technological properties of poultry meat is another research topic. General research interests covers mainly the optimization of food formulations and processing conditions; the application of NIR and MIR technology in the food sector, especially for food authentication and process control; the modelling of phenomena by the use of Design of Experiments techniques and uni- and multivariate statistical methodologies.

Roselina ANGEL

Dr. Roselina Angel received her Ph.D. in Poultry Nutrition from Iowa State University. She worked as a Research Manager at Purina Mills for 9 years after which she joined the University of Maryland, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences. Her current position is Professor of poultry nutrition and her appointment is research and extension. She served as Co-editor of the nutrition section of the Journal of Applied Poultry Research from 2009 to 2011 and four 2-year terms as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Poultry Science. Dr. Angel was a member of the Poultry Science Association’s Board of Directors. She has been a member of the program committee for the Poultry Science’s Informal Nutrition Conference since1998 and now Co-chairs this conference. She has been a panel member for USDA’s National Research Initiative competitive grants program and an Ad Hoc reviewer for USDA-NRI, the Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, and other funding agencies. Dr. Angel has published seven book chapters, 160 articles in refereed journals and more than 250 abstracts. Since 2000 she has given more than 250 invited presentations, more than half of which have been presented overseas. In 2002 she was named to the Committee on Animal Nutrition (CAN), at that time the only standing committee of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Angel has been the recipient of several awards including the National Chicken Council, Broiler Research Award and the American Feed Industries Poultry Nutrition Award and the Merrill Scholar Faculty Advisor award. She was named a Fellow of the Poultry Science Association in 2016 Dr. Angel’s recent focus has also been on improvement in phosphorus nutrition through optimizing calcium use as well as in optimizing tools to maximize economic nutrient conversion efficiency Her research has had a direct measurable impact on water and air quality and the environmental and economic sustainability of the poultry industry.

Atushi ASANO

Assistant Professor in University of Tsukuba Faculty of Life and Environmental Science. Dr Asano completed Posdoc 2005-2012 (2008- Research Associate) in College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, and was then appointed in the position University of Tsukuba, 2012. Researches in my laboratory are focused on understanding of cellular and molecular basis for fertilization and development in mammals and birds. The resultant data should be useful for promoting translation between research and developing practical applications that benefit both human and animals.


Dr. Barbut is a professor in the Food Science Department, the University of Guelph in Ontario Canada, and has an appointment at the Wageningen University in The Netherlands. He specializes in primary and further processing of poultry meat. His research focuses on factors affecting meat quality, as well as protein gelation with emphasis on structure / function relationships, rheology, and food safety. He has published over 250 peer reviewed papers and the popular online free access text book “The Science of Poultry and Meat Processing”. He is a fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists and received research awards from associations such as Poultry Science, American Meat Science, and Canadian Institute of Food Technology. He is involved in several government committees, as well as academic and industrial research projects.


Head of the Laboratory of Livestock Physiology


My research in the last five years has been focussed on improving quality and welfare traits related to reproduction in chickens. I work closely with the breeding industry and use genetics, genomics and physiology and cross disciplinary approaches to understand these traits and develop new selection tools. I have three key priorities; 1) The control of feed intake in broiler parents, 2) Osteoporosis in layers, 3) Egg Quality, and a spin off 4) Novel Antimicrobial peptides from eggs. Additionally, I am generally interested in the control of avian reproduction. The most important results have been in the understanding of the central and peripheral control of food intake and metabolism in birds, the genetic architecture of osteoporosis and getting near implementation of cuticle deposition as a trait in breeding.


I'm research director and co-leader of the team "Egg defenses, enhancement, evolution". My research focuses on table eggs. We are studying its characteristics to meet the needs of consumers and producers and also to enhance the constituents of the egg for food and non-food purposes. I work more particularly on biochemistry and molecular biology related to the formation of eggs and their qualities. I have studied the formation of shells and the identification of proteins from its organic matrix, involved in the calcification process. I participated and coordinated several national and international research programs. My research is also focused on the high throughput methodologies used to identify and characterize the biological activities linked to the egg's natural defenses. I have published more than 70 publications in international scientific journals, 12 book chapters, and have been invited to present my results at more than 30 congresses and I count about 120 papers at conferences.

Fallou GUEYE

Dr. E. Fallou Guèye is International Project Coordinator at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representation to the Republic of Djibouti and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti. He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences (Animal Production) from the Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany. Since more than twenty years, Dr Guèye has been working on poultry-related poverty alleviation, food security, strengthening of sustainable livelihoods for the benefit of resource-poor and vulnerable communities by promoting capacity building for stakeholders, advocacy for policy makers and enhancement of institutional environments. His areas of works include emergency/post-emergency, rehabilitation, research and development situations. Since August 2012, he has been the Coordinator of INFPD and Chairman of its Executive Committee. He is also a resource-person for various scientific institutions and bodies devoted to poultry research and development. He is the author of numerous scientific articles, chapters in books and papers in workshop and congress proceedings.

Mohamed HAFEZ

University Prof. Dr. Dr. Hafez was head of the Institute of Poultry Diseases of the Free University in Berlin from October 1st 1997 until 31st October 2016. He is currently Gust “senior” Professor at the same Institute. Dr. Hafez is Veterinary Poultry Specialist, Veterinary Microbiology Specialist and Veterinary Animal Hygiene Specialist. He is Diplomat of European College of Veterinary Public health (Dipl. ECVPH) and Diplomat of European College of Poultry Veterinary Science (Dipl. ECPVS). In addition, he is an honour Professor at the University of Hohenheim, Germany since 1996 as well as honour Professor at the Alexandria University, Egypt since 2009. Since 2015, he is advisor of the Arab Federation for Food Industries (AFFI). He is currently Honorary Life President of the World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA). From 2007 -2011 he was the President of the WVPA. From 2011-2015 he was of the Vice –(Past)-president of the WVPA. Furthermore, he is Chairman of Poultry Scientific Committee of the German Veterinary Chamber, Chairman of the German Branch of the World Veterinary Poultry Association and Chairman Working group 10 (Turkey) European Branch of World Poultry Science Association (WPSA). Chairman of the group


Senior scientist at Wageningen Livestock Research in Wageningen, The Netherlands. After graduating from the Wageningen University in 1987, he obtained his PhD at the same university in 1993 on a thesis entitled “Tannins in feedstuffs for simple-stomached animals”. He was employed from 1993 till 2003 by TNO (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) as scientist animal nutrition. Since 2003 he is working at Wageningen Livestock Research, The Netherlands as senior scientist animal nutrition (pigs and poultry). His main areas of expertise are the nutritional evaluation of feed ingredients, digestive physiology, amino acid requirements and metabolism, and nutrition and health in pigs and poultry.


Dr Moss is a postdoctoral fellow researching nutritional strategies to improve the efficiency and sustainability of chicken-meat production. Dr Moss’ current research projects include assessing the impact of variability in feed ingredients on diet formulation and profits, building a database of nutrient specifications for Australian feed ingredients, and exploring the precision feeding of broilers including feed efficiency, gut integrity, digestibility, and gut health.

Massimiliano PETRACCI

Since 2018, he has been Full Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna and currently he is also Coordinator of the PhD Programme of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology. His research activity involves several aspects of poultry and rabbit production and product quality and currently is mainly focused on the characterization of the emerging meat abnormalities in poultry (white striping, wooden breast and spaghetti meat). He is author of more than 90 peer-reviewed articles, and he jointed as invited speaker several international congresses. Recently, he has been editor for the book “Poultry Meat Evaluation” published by Elsevier. He chairs the Working Group 5 “Poultry Meat Quality” of the European Federation of the World's Poultry Science Association since 2014. He was also member of the BIOHAZ Working Group on Mechanically Separated Meat (2012-2013) and of the AHAW Panel on “Assessment of studies on the use of carbon dioxide for stunning rabbits” (2014) towards European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). In addition to his research responsibilities, he currently teaches courses on production of food of animal origin, seafood quality and innovations in meat and egg processing.


Dr. Tom Porter received his Ph.D. in Animal Physiology from the University of Minnesota in 1988. He conducted research as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology at the Medical University of South Carolina. In 1993, he joined the Department of Poultry Science at Texas A&M University as an Assistant Professor, and in 1997, he was recruited to the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences at the University of Maryland, where he was subsequently promoted to Associate Professor and Professor. Dr. Porter has served the Poultry Science Association for more than 20 years as Associate Editor, Section Editor, and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Poultry Science. Dr. Porter’s research interests center on molecular and cellular endocrinology in poultry. Early in his career, he demonstrated that the production of steroid hormones in the ovaries of birds requires three different cell types, a situation which is different from that in mammals. One major focus of his research over the past 26 years has been on the mechanisms controlling cellular differentiation within the anterior pituitary gland during chick embryonic development. The overall goal of this research is to improve growth characteristics in broiler chickens through an increased understanding of the regulation of the bird’s own growth hormone production. Dr. Porter’s group has developed a working model for the regulation of growth hormone cell differentiation that involves hormones from other endocrine glands as well as nuclear transcription factors and signal transduction cascades. A second major focus in Dr. Porter’s laboratory has included genome-wide analysis of gene expression in the neuroendocrine system. The long-term goal of this research is to increase our understanding of global patterns of gene expression in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and to identify the genes and gene networks controlling growth rate, body composition and feed intake in broiler chickens. Dr. Porter is the author of 101 refereed scientific papers, 22 book chapters or reviews, and 155 abstracts. His publications have been cited more than 2,000 times. Dr. Porter was named Fellow of the Poultry Science Association in 2016.


Bas Rodenburg is Professor in Animal Welfare at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University in The Netherlands. He is also Special Professor at the Adaptation Physiology Group of Wageningen University. He coordinates research and education in animal welfare. The research of Bas Rodenburg aims at improving the methodology for assessment of animal welfare, supported by sensor technology. He mainly wants to focus on behavioural indicators and methods where the animals themselves are ‘asked’ how they experience their living conditions. Bas Rodenburg obtained his PhD on feather pecking in laying hens in Wageningen in 2003 and since then he has been involved in feather pecking research. He has combined more basic approaches focusing on understanding the underlying mechanisms with more applied approaches focusing on successfully keeping flocks with intact beaks in non-cage systems. He is currently involved in the EU projects FreeBirds, ChickenStress and PPILOW, all focused on improving laying hen welfare and he recently acted as Vice Chair of the COST Action GroupHouseNet.


Mike McGrew is a group leader at The Roslin Institute, UK. He obtained his PhD from Boston University and pursued a research program in embryology at the IBDM in France. There, he was part of a research group that discovered a basic mechanism controlling the timing of the formation of body segments in vertebrates, now known as the ‘segmentation clock’. Afterwards, he joined The Roslin Institute in 2001 to help develop transgenesis in chickens for use in developmental biology and bio-pharming. His laboratory works on a type of stem cell in birds, the primordial germ cell, which makes the sperm and eggs of birds. These cells can be used to generate gene edited chickens, chicken which contain precise genetic changes in their genome. A benefit of this research will be the technology to create bio-banks (frozen aviaries) using germ cells. This is needed as the traditional methods used for species cryopreservation using semen and eggs are either inefficient or impossible in birds. Avian bio-banks will aid in the efforts to both manage and conserve both rare and industrial breeds of poultry. The future challenge is to extend biobanking to endangered bird species.


Marta Gariglio is a university researcher in the Department of Veterinary Sciences in the university of Turin, Italy. She is a member of the Italian branch of the World's Poultry Science Association. In 2019, she won the “Giulia Giordano per il miglior poster nell’area delle Zoocolture” award during the 23° Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition. She participated in the writing of 13 published articles as well as 18 abstracts. The latest being "Growth and slaughtering performance of Muscovy duck fed with insect live larvae as environmental enrichment". She is currently participating in different projects focusing on the sustainability of chicken and insect production.


Teun van de Braak (the Netherlands, born ’87) grew up in the Dutch country side, and there is where his poultry passion started. Since he was a young kid he bred poultry; varying from all different sizes and varieties (from Sebright chickens, to Rhea Americana’s). Inspired by James Herriot, he wanted to become a vet in later professional life. But things went into a different direction and Teun got enrolled in a bachelor program of Animal Sciences at Wageningen University in 2005, which was followed by a master in Animal Breeding and Genetics and a minor in business economics at the aforementioned institute. After receiving his MSc degree in 2010, he started off as a geneticist at the Laying hen Breeding department of Hendrix-Genetics. After working for 8 years in R&D, Teun made the move to product management. In this role he makes the connection between R&D and the commercial field.


Servet Yalcin is a full-time Professor at the Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science. Her responsibilities in the department include teaching and research. Her research interests focus on embryonic development, incubation, stress physiology, and meat quality in broilers. She supervised 14 theses. She is author and co-author of numerous articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and participated in numerous regional, national and international scientific meetings as a speaker and invited speaker. For many years she has been a member of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA), Mediterranean Network of WPSA, working groups 5 (Meat Quality) and 11 (Education and Information) of the European Federation of WPSA. She chaired WG 11 from 2004 to 2010.

Guojie ZHANG

Guojie Zhang completed his Bachelor's degree at Xiamen University and received his PhD degree at Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. He received Marie-Curie International Fellowship from 2012-2014, and started his tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen in 2015. He was promoted as Associate Professor and further as Full Professor in 2017. Guojie Zhang is also the Associate Director of China National Genebank and Adjunct Professor in Kunming Institute of Zoology at Chinese Academy of Sciences. The major research interests in his group are on biodiversity genomics and genome evolution. Evolutionary biologists are often fascinated by the rich diversity of creatures on earth for their extraordinary variations on morphology, physiology, and behavior. Prof. Zhang tackles the biodiversity and evolutionary questions with large-scale comparative genomics and has revealed the molecular mechanisms underlying speciation and adaptation for a broad spectrum of animal taxa. His group is also trying to establish ants as model systems for eco-evo-devo study of social behavior. He has been (co-)leading several international consortiums on genomics including the Bird 10K (, Genome 10K (, Global Ant Genomics Alliance (, Ruminant Genome Project and Earth Biogenomic Program. His researches frequently appeared in high profile journals like Science, Nature, Nature series, and PNAS.