Chair: Dr S.WEIGEND, from Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Institute of Farm Animal Genetics, Neustadt, Germany & Dr M. TIXIER-BOICHARD, INRAE, France
14:00-14:15 CET
Hui ZHANG, Northeast Agricultural University, China
Microevolutionary dynamics of chicken genomes under divergent selection for adiposity
14:15-14:30 CET
Clemens FALKER-GIESKE, Georg-August-University, Germany
Multiple omics analysis approaches point to a gabaergic dysfunction as a major cause of feather pecking in chickens
14:30-14:45 CET
Samuel AGGREY, University of Georgia, United States
Host transcriptome and metabolomic responses to eimeria SPP infection in meat-type chickens
14:45- 15:00 CET
Ian DUNN, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Skeletal quality is related to keel bone damage, but is not explained by variation in egg production
15:00- 15:15 CET
Hervé CHAPUIS, INRAE, France
Towards a canalisation of egg weight. An illustration in ducks
15:15- 15:30 CET
General discussion and final remarks